Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chapter: Mindfulness


so. i injured my forearm last month
went through so much pain and  misery because i couldn't play in my best condition.
again, went through therapies and therapies until i had fear to even wanna treat my injury anymore.
and doctors told me i needed 3 months to entirely heal.

eventually i was told that it was my neck.
dislocated bones and the nerves got my arm injured
well i thought it was scary that it affected other parts of my body.

i couldn't use my usual used arm
practising one song is most,
using the chopstick with my left hand..

hm, quite an intensive course for my left hand.


so after one month plus now,
i'm using my right arm again but cautiously.
so. this was how i neglected my health absentmindedly

i'm surprised that it's recovering so fast now!
just wanted to say,every little posture and movement into habits counts
i got the warning yeah and i will sit properly lay properly do necessary neck and arm exercises
and so do all of you readers and musicians please